YWCA Virtual Luncheon 2020

Directorial Live Production Multi-Camera Remote Production Robotic Cameras Show Running Streaming Virtual Production
As with so many events in 2020, YWCA pivoted to a virtual format for their annual luncheon.

Elisa Jaffe from KOMO News joined us at Michael Maine's pioneer square studio to act as the live host throughout the event.

Hollis Wong-Wear joined remotely from Los Angeles and then former Obama administration senior advisor Valerie Jarrett delivered they keynote address from the east coast.

The event was streamed live on YouTube as well as Remo, where guests could virtually mingle before the event started.

Production partner Synchronicity Events managed the overall project and audience end-user experience.

Michael Maine studio
Tech area
"Wire clouds" scenic design
Remo as the participatory platform
Monitoring remote guests and stream health
Control room during the keynote address