Science Says with Trevor Noah for Fred Hutch

Fred Hutch, Fred Northup, Jr.
MicroStudio Remote Production Virtual Production
Punch Drunk facilitated interviews between host Trevor Noah and Fred Hutch scientists for the “Science Says” expert series at our live studio.


  • Overall project produced by long-time production partner Fred Northup, Jr.
  • Live broadcast from Punch Drunk Studios
  • Turnkey studio with cameras, lights, sound, and all equipment needed for live streaming and capture
  • Remote link and acquisition to bring Trevor Noah and Dr. Phil Greenberg into the live studio
  • Remote capture platform for best quality possible capture of remote guests with redundant backup
  • Zoomator™ camera & interview system for perfect eye line between subjects
  • Remote interviews from Punch Drunk Studios were then edited together as part of a wraparound virtual event – screenshots below are from both the raw interview process and final production

A special edition of Science Says featuring Trevor Noah, comedian and host of "The Daily Show," chatting with three Hutch researchers who are fearlessly working to end cancer and COVID-19. With Dr. Trevor Bedford, Dr. Phil Greenberg, and Dr. Rachel Issaka.

– Fred Hutch Cancer Center

Press & Links

Monitoring the remote & studio feeds
Raw layout during the live interview
Backstage viewer of live feeds
Producer Fred Northup, Jr. chatting with Trevor Noah