Northwest Folklife Virtual Events

Northwest Folklife Festival
2020 - 2021
Directorial Live Production MicroStudio Remote Production Show Running Streaming Virtual Production
Folklife is a historical music & arts festival based in Seattle that started in 1972. When the pandemic struck in 2020, Punch Drunk worked with Folklife to create a safe virtual festival while keeping the dynamic, participatory nature of live music and dance intact.

Scope of Work

  • Design and management of multi-tiered Zoom workflow for differing levels of participation from musicians and audience
  • Live broadcast from Punch Drunk Studios
  • Pre-production & asset review
  • Turnkey studio with cameras, lights, sound, and all equipment needed for live streaming and capture
  • Multiple days of production & streaming

2021 Live Stream Video Recordings

Participatory dances and workshops are an essential part of every Northwest Folklife event, and the virtual Northwest Folklife Festival is no different! There's a variety of dances, jams, singalongs, and workshops to attend...

– NW Folklife

Annie running the schedule
Becky calling the show
Everybody wears a mask
In studio
Remote via Zoom
Drew with virtual musicians
Following along with the dances
Joe managing remote participants
Live studio
TD station
Technical director John
Zoom coordination
Hosts Chris Wright and Andrew Milton
Live Band playing remotely
Hosts Chris Wright and Andrew Milton and Instructor
Hosts Chris Wright and Selena Whitaker-Paquiet
Hosts Chris Wright and Selena Whitaker-Paquiet, instructors and band
Instructors and band together
Hosts Chris Wright and Andrew Milton
Rhythms of India and participant
Paul Silveria and participants
Bayou Envie
Bayou Envie and Folklife Staff