Just A Big Clock

Active, Web App
Free full screen clock for live broadcast and production. Synchronized worldwide. Dark mode, analog version, and support for multiple time zones.

It's just...a big clock

We built JABC after realizing there was no simple fullscreen web-based clock with large digits and no screen decorations. JABC provides an instant clock(s) for your live broadcasts and events.

JABC can exist in a multiviewer, confidence monitor, teleprompter, or any other display to help producers, talent, and technicians stay in time.

This system was built with no usernames, passwords, or logins to make it incredibly simple to use and distribute, where all settings are stored in the URL itself. The clock is synchronized across users to provide the exact same display to all users at the same time.


  • 3 themes to match any need: light, dark, and night
  • Automatic discovery and selection of user’s local time zone
  • 12hr and 24hr options
  • Up to 4 simultaneous clocks for tracking multiple control rooms or locations
  • Analog clock option
  • Instant fullscreen button
  • “Locked URL” mode which can be distributed to crew and clients, which prevents modification of the selected options and hides all cursor movement
    Totally free
Multiple digital clocks - light theme
Single analog clock
Light theme
Night theme
Option selection overlay
24hr mode - dark theme
Settings overlay in dark mode
Time zone picker
Multiple analog clocks - light theme
Multiple analog clocks - dark theme